St. Edmund's Church, Crickhowell

Encounters with Jesus -

John the Baptist



Jesus' ministry did not suddenly burst upon an unsuspecting world. Even at his birth there was a climate of expectation (the Magi, Simeon and Anna). The start of his adult ministry was heralded by a remarkable character, John the Baptist, who preached a baptism of repentance in preparation for the coming of the Lord. When Jesus came to him John pointed him out to others as the Lamb of God.


Who pointed you towards Jesus? In other words who or what caused you to start to take an interest in the Christian faith? Family, friends, anyone or anything else? Share your experiences.


Although they were related through their mothers and also aware of one another's ministry, there is only one recorded encounter between Jesus and John the Baptist.
Read Mark 1:1 - 10.

The Baptist

  1. Read the description of John's appearance and diet in v6. Does he sound like someone you might like to have round for supper? Why do you think he lived like that?
  2. John's message is summarised in v4. What is repentance? Is it still something people need to do today?
  3. There is some more detail about John's preaching in Luke 3:7 - 14. How might people express their repentance today?

The Baptism

  1. What is the crucial difference between John's baptism and Christian baptism?

    Now have a look at the order of service for baptism that we use at St. Edmund's.

  2. Is the message of repentance that John brought present in our service?
  3. What other elements are present?
  4. Is there anything missing?

The Baptised

  1. If Jesus was already perfect can you think why he felt the need to be baptised?
  2. Jesus’ baptism marked the beginning of his public ministry. Baptism and/or confirmation should mark a new start for us and ministry (i.e. service) should be part of this. To what sort of Christian ministry do you feel called?
  3. Can you see how the whole Trinity was involved at the start of Jesus' ministry? Luke 23:46 shows the Trinity at the end of his ministry. Is this significant?


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
[2 Corinthians 5:17]

Praise God for repentance, forgiveness and new beginnings.

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